During the whole history, humans have strugled for searching new ways of producing energy in the form of heat, light and more recently in the form of electricity.
Electricity or electrical energy is generated mostly in power plants. These obtain energy from different types of sources:
-Renewable energy: this type of energy is
also called green energy. It's obtained from natural resources that cannot finish such as the sun, moving water, wind, biomass, geothermal heat, waves... This energy almost doesn't pollute the environment as they don't produce damaging gases as CO2, CH4, S...
also called green energy. It's obtained from natural resources that cannot finish such as the sun, moving water, wind, biomass, geothermal heat, waves... This energy almost doesn't pollute the environment as they don't produce damaging gases as CO2, CH4, S...
Types of renewable energy are solar energy, eolic energy, tidal energy, hydraulic energy, geothermal energy...
However, nowadays energy production has improved a lot leading to amazing innovations helping sustainability and the maximum of production with less pollution.
Pollution is one of the main problems these fresh and new inventions want to solve but we can do much more than that. Saving energy at home is a priority to reduce environmental pollution. Although it might be an obvious thing we still don't do it.
This year in technology we've done a lot of interesting things. Although we have to work more as we have no exams, most of the projects are more entertaining and have a utility. I have especially enjoyed working in the workshop and programming. The university scratch challenges, were fun too. My favourite software programs have been Scratch and Google Sites. These programs allow us to do very different and diverse things. I've been able to create funny scratch animations and also complete web pages. For next year I would like to have more time to finish most of the tasks in class. However, I've enjoyed very much this subject.